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[11] And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

[12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

[13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:



The purpose of the fivefold ministry, according to Scripture, is to equip and build up the body of Christ (the church) for the work of the ministry, to mature believers in their faith, and to bring unity and diversity to the body of Christ. Each of these five roles (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher) has a specific function in this process, and together they work to grow and strengthen the church. The goal is ultimately to bring glory to God by fulfilling the Great Commission and making disciples of all nations.

This is because God was giving specific instructions on the order in which a house is meant to be built and the role that each office plays as the structure of the building/dwelling place of God.

In this verse, the Spirit specifically lists these offices in a particular order.






Let's take a look at the roles and responsibilities of each office:





Role: The role of the Apostle is to provide visionary leadership and to oversee the planting and development of new churches and ministries. Apostles are often called to work across all cultures and nations, and they have a heart for reaching the lost and making disciples of all nations. They are visionary and strategic thinkers and have a deep understanding of the times and seasons in which we live. They have a strong focus on evangelism and missions, and they are gifted in networking, mentoring, and mobilising others for the work of the Kingdom.


Responsibility: Apostles are responsible for pioneering new works, establishing foundations for churches and ministries, leading the church into new levels of spiritual maturity and effectiveness, as well as releasing and activating others in their callings and gifting. Apostles are also responsible for bringing alignment, unity and order to the body of Christ and correcting false teachings and practices within the church. They are seen as the foundation of the church, along with the prophets, and have a unique ability to hear from God and impart spiritual gifts unto others. Apostles work alongside the prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to build up and strengthen the church, to equip believers for ministry and to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.



Role: The role of the prophet is to receive and communicate messages from God regarding His heart and purposes to the church and to individuals. Prophets are gifted in hearing the voice of God and receiving revelation to help the church understand and respond to what God is saying in a particular season. They have an ability to see beyond the natural and into the spiritual realm, and they often receive visions and dreams that reveal God's plan and purposes. Prophets have a deep passion for spiritual growth and maturity and are also gifted in helping believers to discern what the will of God is and walk in greater levels of obedience and faithfulness. Furthermore, prophets are gifted in intercession, and they often spend significant time in prayer, seeking God's heart and interceding for the needs of His people.


Responsibility: Prophets are responsible for helping to build up and equip the church by training and mentoring other believers in hearing God's voice and prophesying. Prophets are called to discern the will of God, to declare His Word, and to bring correction, warning and encouragement to the church. They are also called to bring clarity to confusing or complex situations.  Prophets work alongside the apostles to establish and maintain the foundation of the church, to advance the Kingdom of God on earth and to prepare the church for the return of Christ.




Role: The role of the evangelist is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and to bring them into a personal relationship with Him. Evangelists have a deep-rooted passion for sharing the good news and for seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ. They often have a gift for communicating the gospel in a way that is clear, engaging, compelling and relevant to those who are not yet believers. They are skilled  in using stroy-telling, humour and personal anecdotes to make it more relatable and are gifted in reaching people who are far from God. Evangelists have a very deep love and concern for the lost and willing to go to great lengths to reach them with the message of salvation. Evangelists are often called to work outside the church, in the marketplace, the community and other areas of society. Evangelists are also gifted in making personal connections with people, building relationships and leading others to faith. They are also gifted in discerning the spiritual needs of individuals and communities and are able to identify the areas of greatest needs and tailor their message and approach to effectively meet those needs.

Responsibility: Evangelists are responsible for training and equipping other believers to share their faith and for mobilising the church to engage in evangelism and outreach. They play a critical role in the ongoing work of the church to reach the lost and to fulfil the Great Commission. They work alongside apostles and prophets to establish and build up the church by bringing in new believers and expanding it's reach.





Role: The role of the Pastor (also known as shepherd) is to provide spiritual care and guidance to the members of the church. Pastors are responsible for nurturing the spiritual growth and development of believers, helping them to understand and apply the Word of God to their lives, and providing support and counsel during times of difficulty or crisis. They oversee the spiritual wellbeing of the congregation and ensure that the believers are not only growing in faith but also living out the teachings of Christ. They have a heart for people and a desire to see them flourish in their relationship with God. Pastors are often gifted in preaching and teaching, and they have a deep understanding of the needs and struggles of their congregation. They are skilled in listening and providing guidance and encouragement to those who are struggling. 


Responsibility: Pastors play a critical role in the ongoing work to build up believers and help them to strengthen their faith and character to become more like Christ. They also manage a lot of the administrative tasks of the church and work alongside the apostles, prophets, evangelists and other pastors to strengthen the church, to equip the believers for ministry and to help them fulfil their God-given destinies and purposes.






Role: The role of the teacher is to help believers understand and apply the Word of God to their lives in a practical and meaningful way. Teachers have a passion for studying and teaching the scriptures and are gifted in explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner. They have a deep understanding of the Bible and a desire to help others grow in their knowledge and understanding of God's Word. Teachers have a genuine and sincere pleasure in unveiling the mysteries within the Word of God and receiving revelation and understanding of the deeper truths that are imbedded in scripture. 


Responsibility: Teachers are responsible for helping believers grow in their faith by explaining the scriptures, providing insight and understanding and helping them to apply biblical principles to their life. They play a critical role in providing sound doctrine so that the church is protected against false teachings. The teacher must be well-versed in the scriptures in order to discern truth from error. They must be able to communicate effectively and provide guidance and correction when necessary. They work alongside apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and other teachers to build up and strengthen the church, to help believers mature in their faith, and to equip them with sound teaching for every good work that they may be effective ministers of the gospel. 




[19] Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

[20] And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

[21] In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:

[22] In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.


The apostles and the prophets are referred to as the foundation of the church not only because they were instrumental in establishing the early church and laying the groundwork for it's growth and development but also because the office of an apostle and prophet are still actively key roles within the church to ensure it's ongoing establishment, stability and growth.

3 key reasons the apostles and prophets form the foundation of the church:

THEY ESTABLISHED DOCTRINE: The apostles and prophets were responsible for establishing the doctrinal foundation of the church which we now have collated together in the Holy Bible. God used apostles and prophets to provide revelation on matters such as salvation, baptism and the nature of God and continues to use them today to bring revelatory teaching in unveiling the mysteries and keys of the Kingdom.


THEY RECEIVE DIVINE REVELATION: The apostles and prophets are uniquely gifted by God to receive divine revelation and communicate it to the church. Though anyone who has the Spirit of God dwelling within them have access to divine revelation, the revelation of apostle's and prophet's includes a hundredfold immersion in the river of the Spirit with special insight into God's plan for the church and the world. 


THEY PROVIDE LEADERSHIP: The apostles and prophets provide leadership and direction to the church which is evident in the early church. In scripture it is clear that God used apostles and prophets to establish new churches, resolve conflicts, expose deception and ensure that the church is walking in alignment with God's will and plan. These responsibilities are still an active part of the role of an apostle and prophet today.




The majority of the modern day church today has adopted a system of congregational gathering in a building where the pastor has become the leader of the congregation; conducting a service that is consists primarily of theological teaching and quoting of scripture whilst the Holy Spirit's desire to be given the freedom to take over and unveil mysteries, to demonstrate the manifestation of His presence through power and to bring breakthrough, healing, deliverance and insight through revelation often goes neglected or worse, is completely absent.

As a result, the church remains seated behind the veil of God's presence, able to quote the written word and talk of His presence but unable to hear and perceive the living word, completely ignoring the Holy Spirit and therefore ignoring His presence. Theology and sound teaching are still very important of course, however

God is Spirit and all who follow Him are to no longer walk in the flesh but in the Spirit, which means that 

a church which is unable to hear and see in the spirit is therefore spiritually deaf and blind.




  • The pastor is the head of the congregation

  • Apostles and prophets are absent 

  • Believers are self-appointed to an office as opposed to God appointed

  • Sermons are heavily focused on theological teaching without revelatory teaching

  • Absence of power

  • The church is spiritually deaf and blind, lukewarm, complacent and compromised

  • The believers are not being built up in their individual gifts and callings

  • The church is conducting weekly services but is not growing spiritually

  • Believers are not being taught to hear and see in the spirit

  • Absence of the anointing

  • Demons sit comfortably in the services because they aren't being confronted

  • A lifestyle of prayer and fasting is not cultivated

  • Churches are not reaching the lost 

  • The Holy Spirit is being ignored and is hindered by strict schedules and dry religious activity

  • The church is carnally minded as opposed to spiritually minded

  • The church points to Big Pharma for healing

  • The pastor encourages the congregation to bow down to a demonic government 

  • Church is watered down to a meeting once/twice a week whilst the emphasis on 24/7 fellowship with the Holy Spirit is neglected

  • The services are lead by the Holy Spirit

  • Apostles and prophets give vision and direction from God for the congregation

  • Pastors tend to the spiritual needs of the believers

  • Believers are appointed by God to their office 

  • Sermons include both theological and revelatory teaching, unveiling hidden mysteries and providing keys/insight 

  • The anointing and power of the Holy Spirit is present

  • Believers are on fire for God and operating in signs, miracles and wonders

  • The believers are being built up in their individual gifts and callings and being sent out

  • The church is growing as a natural result of the anointing and effective work of ministry

  • Believers are being taught to hear and see in the spirit

  • A lifestyle of prayer and fasting is cultivated

  • Believers are reaching the lost

  • The Holy Spirit is given the freedom to take full control of every situation and the believers are sensitive to his will and instruction

  • The church is spiritually minded

  • The church is operating in the power of God and administering healing to others

  • The church does not bow down to the demonic government and apostles bring solutions

  • Church are the believers and the emphasis is on daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit 

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