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On the 22nd of July 1988, at 11 pm God fulfilled a plan that was ordained before the creation of the world and revealed Himself supernaturally to the head bouncer at an Australian nightclub, changing his life forever.

Rory E. Lennon, who at the time was a zealous New Ager, Martial Art Instructor and Hedonistm, found himself staring up at the stars immersed in the beauty and grandeur of the blanket of jewels that covers the night sky when an instant revelation hit him:

"All the stars in the heavens are there,"

"yet no human has left the earth to touch one,"

"Where did they COME FROM?" 

Rory immediately knew it was God, and said;

"God I know you are real, I know you can forgive me of all my sins, I don't know if you want to, but I ask you to, and I will read Your Book (the Holy Bible) and as I understand it, I will DO WHAT YOU COMMAND!"

Without ever having read the Bible, a vision of Jesus Christ appeared before his eyes filling the night sky, "with eyes like fire, hair white as wool, white robe, gold belt and feet of bronze" (Revelation 1:12-19) and "the whole earth was under His feet, covered in darkness" (Isiaiah 60:1-5). Jesus spoke from the vision and said: 

"I AM the enlightenment you are looking for",

"I AM the light of the world,"

"No one has light except it is given to him from heaven above".

and Jesus stepped out of the vision into Rory's body and said


Like Paul, (Acts 9:3-6) in an instant Rory knew that God had sought after him his whole life, and had now revealed Himself to him. He knew he had just had a personal encounter, not with an impersonal cosmic field of consciousness called the Universe, but with the personal being called God who is the Creator of Time, Space, the Universe, Life and All that is. Within moments, Rory E. Lennon fell under deep conviction and was completely transformed (Rom 12:1-3).

It was later on that he discovered that the LORD had spoken to him through a visual depiction of Isaiah 60:2; "For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee". and revealing Ephesians 1:17-2:10, John 1:1-14, John 3:3, 5.
God had called him out of darkness and gave him a vision that would become the catalyst for his entire mission and calling on this earth. Instantly,  
From that point, Rory E. Lennon was instantly delivered of all New age demons and spirits, the desire to fight men and to live for selfish desires and lust, and instead was filled with the Holy spirit and a zeal to pursue walking with the God who saved him. 

Life Journey

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homeless on assignment, 2000-

Rory journeyed to the streets of Australia, ministering and working 24/7 with those forgotten by society. Burdened for the homeless, drug-affected, and prostitutes that no one seemed to care about, he spent six months living out of a backpack to bring them the love of God.
For five years in Melbourne, Rory was an unwavering light in the darkness - a minister, human rights activist, community organiser, and relentless advocate for all who had been forsaken.
He never stopped fighting for their cause - giving strength and hope to those who needed it most.
Here, Rory learned to hear God's Voice and bear the Holy fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11) that results from radical obedience.

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calling those in the highways and hedges, 2001-2003-

Rory quickly realised that the modern day church seemed to be more concerned about running weekly meetings than being a part-taker of the Father's heart for those in desperate need of the gospel. 
As a result of his work on the streets, God brought together a team of those burdened by the state of the lost to rent out a property that became a residential safe place for all those needing a shelter over their head and food on the table. It became a meeting place for the oppressed, the lonely, the forsaken and the naked to come and be fed not only physically but spiritually; giving each individual the opportunity to dine with Jesus and encounter the love and power of God. 

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a hunger and thirst, 2004-

Each day, Rory was overwhelmed at how deep God's love and mercy extended to people.

God's glory and power began to be magnified as each day went by. There was a fire burning deep within Rory's heart to be able to demonstrate the fullness of God in every way possible for he held tightly to the words of the LORD when He said in John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." 

Fasting was a common practice for Rory, however what marked a true shift in the power that flowed from him was after God sent him a prophet from Ghana, John Cosser, who was sent three years earlier with avision of Rory's house and the Word "Australia", Prophet John partnered with apostle Rory to develop and plant a "Miracle Working Ministry" called HEAL Ministries, which began with a 41 day fast, led by the Holy Spirit, and loosed with the first service seeing Apostle Rory's shadow heal the sick.

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sent to the nations, 2005-

It was not long after that God sent Apostle Rory E. Lennon beyond the scope of the nation. International work began with communities in many slums and poor communities around the world, defining and compiling the CCC "Community Cooperative Commonwealth" model, through experience, failure, creating not for profit organisations, church planting, cooperatives and partnerships business ventures with local, indigenous and active people in the various countries he worked in.

Always with the eye of the Father to the lost, demonised and hurting in the world, bringing God's love, apostolic power and saving life to all the earth.

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ordained an Apostle, 2007-

After spending years ministering in Africa, India and Asia, Rory was then officially ordained as an Apostle by Presiding (Arch) Bishop Charles Agyin-Asare, (AAWE, WMCI, now Perez Chapel International)

Apostle Rory E. Lennon saw many healing crusades, and miracles happen and was continuously amazed and moved by God's deep love for people.

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put before kings

He has addressed Prime Ministers, Speakers of the Houses of Parliaments, chiefs of national tribes, national leaders, organisation and business groups, faith communities, and many others to open people's eyes to their fellow man, right outside their door, to stop for the next person you meet and to be the one who sees the problems and seeks the solutions in order to change the world we live in for the better.

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life back in Australia

God then called Apostle Rory E. Lennon and his family back to Australia where God used him to minister to many church leaders across Victoria and Brisbane teaching ministers to walk in revelation, power and anointing. With the wealth of wisdom and insight that God had revealed to him, he knew that it was for the purpose of pouring the same blessings out unto others that they too might experience and walk in the fullness of heaven's reality. 

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Throughout his entire life, Rory had acquired a large variety of skills and experience within the education and health sector, ministry, financial wisdom, business start-ups and the building of private members associations. God had been equipping him with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding needed across different fields that have become the foundation for a much larger call and assignment upon his life. After spending the next few years preaching, teaching and mentoring others to carry the atmosphere of heaven, God has now released him to begin an assignment that is set on reaching a billion souls with the gospel and will revolutionise nations and bring solutions to delivering people from the systems of the world. This is                       .                      


With a vast array of qualifications, Rory has extensive experience in the health and wellness industry, the education sector, resource development and the founding of non-profit organisations.
He is even qualified to teach the Chinese martial art Wing Chun Kung Fu and was a martial arts instructor for many years of his early life.

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Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Naturopathy and

Western Herbal Medicine

Diploma in Christian Ministry

Certificate IV in Fitness Training, Training & Assessing and Small Business Management

Certificate in Education Support

Certificate I in Financial Literacy

Money Minded Facilitator

Black Belt Instructor in Wing Chun Kung Fu & HERO style

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